• A periodic activity can be in one of the following statuses:
    • Sleeping The activity has completed and waiting for the next schedulation
    • Queued The activity has been scheduled but it isn't running yet
    • Running The activity is currently in execution
  • Hover the mouse on any of the listed activites to read its description.
  • Frequency indicates how often a periodic activity is scheduled for execution.
  • Max Duration indicates how long a script is allowed to execute.
  • Last Start indicates when the periodic activity was started the last time.
  • Not Executed counts the number of times a periodic activity wasn't scheduled for execution, either because it was already running (running slow) or already scheduled (no thread was available to execute it).
  • Running Slow counts the number of times a periodic activity was taking too long to complete.
  • TS stands for Timeseries.
  • Only periodic activities which have been scheduled at least once are shown.